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Samson, Grzegorz. |
Multimodal Media Generation: Exploring Pipeline of
Procedural Visual Context-Dependent Media Layer
Creation / Grzegorz Samson ; prom. Konrad Maciborski.
Warszawa : Polsko-Japońska Akademia Technik
Komputerowych, 2023. - 67 stron ilustracje 30 cm

Wydział: Informatyka | Katedra: Multimedia |
Specjalizacja: Multimedia | E | praca inżynierska.

Słowa kluczowe: Visual content generation

Streszczenie: This thesis explores the development of
two distinct pipelines for generating visual material
corresponding to existing audio media based on textual
input: the Storyboard Pipeline and the Visual Novel
Pipeline. Both pipelines leverage artificial
intelligence (AI) driven generative tools to automate
the process of creating visual content from a script or
other textual source. The journey through the
generation of AI-driven multimedia has revealed both
the immense potential and the challenges present in
this domain. The key findings of this research include
the revolutionizing impact of AI tools on multimedia
generation possibilities, allowing novel fusion of
textual, audial, and visual media, and the challenges
associated with text-to-image generation tools. The
development of these pipelines represents a significant
step forward in automating visual content creation
based on text input, offering greater efficiency and
flexibility in the production process. However,
challenges such as maintaining continuity and cohesion
between distinct features in procedurally generated
visual material remain to be addressed The implications
of this research are far-reaching. For creators, the
democratisation of advanced AI tools opens up new
avenues for artistic expression. For the AI community,
the feedback, and challenges highlighted can guide
future tool development and refinement. For end users,
the fusion of AI-generated multimedia promises
possibilities for richer and more immersive multimodal

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  • PJATK Warszawa
    Koszykowa 86, Warszawa, tel. (+48 22) 58 44 533
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    Dostępnośćsygnatura: 2023/I/E/4 | Na miejscu Magazyn
